Spencer Gordon

Digital Media Generalist

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Video Game Design Work

Video Game Design is fascinating as a multimedia composition because of how many components it takes just to make a simple product. A Video Game requires: Coding, art, animation, sound, music, UI/UX and plenty more. But with so many small components comes a medium that feels fully alive, and is unique like no other. Additionally, it's a great way to learn a grab-bag of skills along the way.

These are some of my ventures into the field of video game design, with more soon to come.


Boom Boom Dash

This is my first complete Video Game Design project. I worked on it throughout December 2020-February 2021. I created the artwork, sprite animation, all of the code, the level design, and the sound design. The only thing I did not create for this game is the music, done by Lone Peak Music, and the font, created by Tiny World Assets.

Created using Unity, drawn in Aesprite, and ChipTone, and coded in C#

Play the game here:


When Crabs March Together

This is a Game Jam project that I worked on for Brackey's Game Jam 5. I worked with Antonio Martinez and Alex Lopez to create this in a week. I worked as lead designer, as well as creating all of the art, and some of the code.

Created in Unity and drawn in Aesprite, and coded in C#

Play the game here: